Search Results for: START treaty

JURIST Contributing Editor Mary Ellen O'Connell of Notre Dame Law School says that five years after 9/11 - five years that have witnessed Guantanamo Bay, Iraq, Abu Ghraib and CIA "black sites" - there are hopeful signs that America is...


JURIST Special Guest Columnists Gaby El Hakim and Joe Karam, Lebanese lawyers and board members of the Beirut Bar Association, say indiscriminate Israeli attacks on Lebanese civilians violate all principles of international humanitarian law and call for an immediate ceasefire...


Eleven African jurists were sworn-in Monday as the first members of Africa's first continent-wide human rights court, the African Court on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR) , sponsored by the African Union . The swearing-in took...


Officials from over 100 countries are meeting in Geneva this week to discuss strengthening a United Nations treaty which controls the use of tobacco products worldwide. The two-week conference is underway to determine further provisions for the World Health...